Charl Posthumus Debt Counselling

Break Free From Your Debt
Contact Person: Charl PosthumusCharlPosthumusDebtCounsellors

Do you fall into any of the categories below:

Have you been refused credit, such as loans, store cards, etc?
Are you blacklisted?
Are you in arrears with some of your debts?
Are you getting letters and phone calls?
Scared to open your mail or answer the phone?
Cutting back on essentials to try and get by each month?
No extra money?
Struggling to pay your monthly debt repayments and you don’t know what to do?
Don’t worry, we can help you!

Insurance Provider:
Mon-Fri 08:00-16:30 Sat: 09:00-12:00 Sun: Closed
Cape Road 218
Port Elizabeth 6001 EC ZA
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