Algoa Debt Care

Your Debt is Our Concern
Contact Person: David MarstonAlgoaDebtCare

At Algoa Debt Care we are a team of three Debt Counsellors each with 10 years of experience. David Marston and Derryn Fish are Professional Attorneys who will handle all legal matters as they arise throughout the process.

As Industry Leading Professionals, we make an effort to stay abreast of all developments in the law that governs the Debt Counselling process. To ensure this, we have a representative at the Debt Counselling Association of South Africa (DCASA).

We value a personal approach. While we are able to assist you remotely, being able to interact face-to-face gives you the assurance that we can be reached when you have matters that need to be dealt with.

With two of our Counsellors, Derryn and Amanda Johnson, named in the Top 5 Debt Counsellors in South Africa, many of our clients over the last 10 years have become debt free and purchased homes and vehicles.

Become financially astute by taking the first step on the Debt Counselling journey with Algoa Debt Care as your guide.

Insurance Provider:
Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 Sat - Sun: Closed
Cape Road 214
Port Elizabeth 6001 EC ZA
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