Soer Consultancies – Pretoria

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Contact Person: Carissa Ferreira

Soer Consultancies offers debt counselling to any person who are currently over-indebted. Our fully trained and legally educated consultants come to YOU for a financial assesment to view your current income, expenditure and available funds to relieve your debt and explain the 2 month grace period wherein you do not pay any of your debt. (In accordance with the National Credit Act and in association with the National Credit Regulator) Soer Consultancies consists of an Advocate, Debt Counsellor and Attorney as well as a Legal Advisor fully educated in Debt Review procedures. Soer Consultancies operate from 3 branches apart from headoffice spread out over Gauteng.

Insurance Provider:
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00 Sat - Sun: Closed
Catalina Road 16
Centurion 0045 GP ZA
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